Monthly Archives: March 2008

I know, I haven’t been updating much lately. Andrew had Spring break this whole week, so we have been busy. I still had to work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, so Andrew and Al got to spend some quality time together. Tuesday Andrew and I went to the Wisconsin Pizza Factory for lunch, then went to the library. Andrew still loves reading nonfiction books about space, so he checked out a few more of those. Pretty soon we will have read them all. Thursday Andrew and I went to McDonald’s for lunch. Andrew had a lot of fun. It was crazy busy there though. The YMCA daycare was there with their kids, and while I don’t mind a daycare being there at all, they need to be more cognizant of the space they are using. The used 6 of the 10 tables in the play area, and no one was eating the entire time they were there…the tables were full of their garbage from lunch, coats, and shoes. Seriously people, when the place is busy, condense down for other patrons!!

We had a good Easter. After eating breakfast,and basket hunting, we all loaded into the car to head to Mom and Dad’s house. We had a very yummy lunch, then after the littlest grandkids napped, all the grandkids went outside to do some Easter Egg searching in the snow. All the kids had fun looking for their eggs and eating some of the goodies found inside. Here are some pictures from our day.

This week I start working as an Aspirus employee instead of a Westphal Staffing employee, which means (besides making more money!!) I have to re-do there orientation tomorrow all day and Tuesday. I’m not really looking forward to that, but it shouldn’t be too taxing of a day.


Originally uploaded by kimandal

Andrew and I went to a friend’s house today to color Easter eggs. Andrew doesn’t like to eat hard boiled eggs, but sure does like to decorate them. We only did about a dozen for us, so it was over quickly!!

Tomorrow we are going to Mom and Dad’s for Easter dinner with the whole gang, then Mom will have an egg hunt for all the grandkids. Andrew is really excited!! Since they just got about 6 inches of snow yesterday, maybe after the egg hunt, they can go sledding!!! Who would’ve thought we would be sledding on Easter.

Andrew is also excited about being on Spring Break next week. Although we have no plans other than lounging and spending time together as a family, we will have fun. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and he can get outside and play.

So Andrew comes home from school today and says tonight is his school’s spring carnival and can we go.  Since we were planning on going somewhere fun for supper anyway since Daddy won’t be home in time (he was working with someone else North of Thorpe today) I said sure.  What chaos!! But Andrew sure did have fun.  We had a quick supper (I couldn’t believe how fast he wolfed down his hot dog, I had very mediocre frozen pizza), then it was out to buy tickets to play games.  Andrew counted out his quarters himself to buy his tickets.  He had fun playing all the games and winning some cheesy prizes, then it was home to get ready for bed.  As for me, after listening to all the screaming kids in the gymnasium, I have a headache and am ready for bed too!!

I have been working at the doctor office through a staffing agency, and since I have been there 3 months, the doctor office can now offer me the job.  I will be an Aspirus employee as of the end of this month.  Along with being hired out, I get a little raise (woo hoo!!!), and I believe there are some benefits (although not many at the very part time level I’m at).

Andrew came home with the summer school courses, and really, really, REALLY wants to go and take “Sports for Life” (because he is hoping that soccer will be one of the sports taught), and “Computer Fun”.  Hopefully he will be able to get into the programs that he wants.

We also lined up a babysitter for him for the summer, Ariel and Trisha, neighbor girls are going to work it out between them and take care of the lad.  It is nice because he can stay home, sleep in, and still play with the neighbors; and I don’t have to pay for him to be in day care as much.  It will be really nice for the first month of summer vacation because with him in summer school, he only needs a babysitter for about an hour a day.

Looking outside and still seeing tons of snow, it is weird to be talking about  summer, but it will be here before I know it!!

Well, since Andrew has Thursday and Friday off of school this week, we decide to head to the farm for the weekend. Andrew is having fun helping Grandpa feed calves, playing Foos-Ball, and just enjoying time with Grandma and Grandpa. This morning though, Andrew woke up complaining of an ear ache, so we headed to the doctor this morning (after I visited the House of Beauty for a hair cut), and sure enough, he has a bit of an infection…not enough to warrant antibiotics, but one nonetheless. He has never had an ear infection (in fact, has only had to visit the doctor once besides a well child check), so this is new territory. He is doing good with his ear drops and Ibuprofen to help with the pain. Tomorrow we might go to the cities to visit everyone up there, so that will be fun. Of course, tonight we are having fish fry!! YUM!!

Yup, we had Andrew’s conference this afternoon…the little guy is doing wonderfully in school. He is doing good in his writing, can read/identify alot of the high frequency words, and LOVES numbers/math. His teachers didn’t have a negative thing to say about him…

So, wouldn’t you know it that tonight while Al was getting the little guy ready for bed they were talking and Andrew said he didn’t really like recess anymore…hmm that is an odd phrase for a little boy to say, so Al questioned him further. Andrew said that another boy in his class is hitting him everyday outside. WHAT!?!?! Hits him???? That’s so not right. Of course, Andrew didn’t tell us this before the conference so we could talk about it with the teachers, and he says he doesn’t tell anyone or ask the boy to stop hitting him. We are definitely going to be working on that….he needs to say (loudly) “stop hitting me” so that hopefully an adult will address this. I know from doing recess duty how hard to is to watch all the kids outside at the same time, but hopefully if we can get Andrew to tell the boy about that, someone else will hear/see it and something can be done. I’m also going to e-mail the teachers to give them a FYI about this…I sure hope that Andrew is telling us the truth and not fibbing about it, but I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt.

No school Thursday/Friday…YIPPEE!! Andrew and I are heading to the farm for the weekend, he hasn’t seen Grandma Barb & Grandpa Mike since Christmas and is looking forward to it. So am I! I’m getting a little tired of staying home watching the snow. We aren’t used to being home this much, we are used to more visiting!!