Monthly Archives: September 2009

Here is the conversation that took place between Andrew and me after school today:

Me: Why are you wearing someone else’s coat?

Andrew: My coat is in my backpack.

M: Ok, but why are you wearing someone else’s?

A: I lost a tooth today.

M: Cool…but what’s up with the coat?

A: It isn’t a coat, it’s a sweatshirt.

M: OK, but why are you wearing it?

A: I lost a tooth today.

M: I know…what’s up with the sweatshirt?

A: When I lost my tooth I got a little blood on my shirt so the health aide made me put on this sweatshirt.

M: OK.

A: I like this one better than mine, it is way warmer.

M: I’m glad, but you know you can’t keep it.  I will wash it and you can take it back to school later this week.

A: OK (looking a little sad).

Not much new going on around here…we are getting settled in to the school year routine.  Tonight, Andrew had his first real night of homework for the school year…every Monday night he has to write a letter to his teacher.  Right now he can pick any topic but later in the school year the teacher will pick the topic.  I’ve heard his teacher this year gives a lot of homework, which will be a little new for him since he didn’t have a whole heck of a lot of homework in 1st grade, but I’m sure we will survive.

Tonight I had the first handbell choir practice for the year…we already play at the early service on Sunday!!  It is basically the same group of people in the choir this year as last, so we will have fun!!!  I hope to do some scrapbooking tomorrow (I have a few challenges at various websites I want to complete) so I will try to share some pages when done.

I did this page tonight of Andrew up at the cabin the 4th of July. He had so much fun on his “boat”.


We survived the summer!  Andrew is now back in the routine of school…although rather reluctantly.  It will be interesting  to see what stories he has when he gets home.  Pictures from our morning:

Waking up...too early in his mind.

Waking up...too early in his mind.

Eating breakfast - homemade donut holes!!

Eating breakfast - homemade donut holes!!

Doesnt he look good!!

Doesn't he look good!!

Trying to get the requisite front door picture...he complained the sun was too bright.

Trying to get the requisite front door picture...he complained the sun was too bright.

One of the best pics I got of him today.

One of the best pics I got of him today.

Walking to the bus stop.

Walking to the bus stop.

At the bus stop with the rest of the neighbor kids (well, the ones riding the bus anyway, some got rides from mom or dad).

At the bus stop with the rest of the neighbor kids (well, the ones riding the bus anyway, some got rides from mom or dad).

Just because I liked this pic.

Just because I liked this pic.

Getting on the bus - btw, this is the 4th year he has used this same may be the last.  It is starting to show signs of wear.

Getting on the bus - btw, this is the 4th year he has used this same may be the last. It is starting to show signs of wear.