Monthly Archives: April 2010

Back in January, Andrew was having a few minor behavior problems in school. His teacher and I worked together to figure out what was going on. Then, another teacher at school suggested maybe Andrew was bored and he should be tested for the Gifted and Talented Challenge program in the district. Neither of us knew quite if he would be deemed “gifted”, but she nominated him for testing to get into the program. Testing took place in February and March and then…a couple of weeks ago, we received a letter from the school district…

From 2010-04-20

He was accepted into the Challenge program. Now we had a decision to make, whether to place him in the program or not. Andrew was very excited about the possibility, but the hard thing is, the program is held at another school in the district. Friday, Andrew spent the morning at the other school in the 3rd grade class room and LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT! He said he had so much fun and at that point we decided that is definitely where he needs to be for next year. It has been a long time since he has come home from school after having a fun day enjoying himself. So, next school year will bring about a change of schools for Andrew. Luckily, since the other elementary school is in our school district, he will still be bussed to and from school, but he will likely have a longer bus ride than he is used to. He’s not worried though, he plans on working on his homework during the bus ride so he can play once he gets home.

From 2010-04-13

Andrew’s school held a read-a-thon in March. Andrew was proud to raise $100 and read 35 “books” during the 10 day period. He was so excited to receive his Gold Medal and gift certificate to Barnes & Noble (which he went right out and spent on “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”.

From 2010-04-10

This is Ronnie’s new favorite spot to spend the afternoon. In the sun on his comfy bed.

From 2010-04-17

One of the things I really enjoy doing at church is playing in the handbell choir.  Every year in April we attend a Handbell Festival with other church’s in the Wisconsin Synod.  This year the festival was in Appleton.  We had a full day of practice on Saturday, followed by a fun night out Saturday night.  My friend Jessie and I also enjoyed some shopping in Appleton (Archivers and Hobby Lobby!!!).  Sunday was a concert.  It is always a great weekend, but takes me a week to recover.

We had a wonderful today today…quiet, but great.  But…let’s back up a bit.  Yesterday was a busy Saturday.  I helped out a church for Easter for Kids.  We had around 35 kids to learn the Easter story.  Andrew came with and had fun listening to stories, playing games, doing crafts, going on an Easter egg hunt, and enjoying a hot dog lunch.

Here’s a blurry pic of him playing “hot egg” (hot potato)

From 2010-04-03

and Andrew with his craft:

From 2010-04-03

Last night we colored Easter Eggs.  Andrew was having a lot of fun using the “crayon” to write messages to all of us.  One of my favorites was “We love Ronnie” and “We love each other”.

From 2010-04-03
From 2010-04-03
From 2010-04-03
From 2010-04-03

This morning, I played handbells with the choir for the Sunrise Service.  This required me to be at church at 6 am…but it was such an awesome service.  Right as the last song was being sung, the sun was shining brightly through the stained glass windows at the front of church.  After the service was done, I enjoyed breakfast and fellowship before playing again at the 9:00 service.  I made it home around 9:30 and Andrew was chomping at the bit waiting for the go-ahead to start searching for his Easter basket and eggs.  He found everything with a bit of frustration.

Starting out on the hunt:

From 2010-04-04

Finding an egg in the microwave…a tradition:

From 2010-04-04

Looking in the coat closet:

From 2010-04-04

Finding his basket in the bathroom:

From 2010-04-04

The basket:

From 2010-04-04