Monthly Archives: September 2008

As some of you may know, I have a close friend whose nephew has Juvenile Diabetes (also known as Type 1 diabetes). I am participating in a walk to raise money for JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation). If you would like to help me reach my goal and donate to this organization, please go to my page to do so:

Thank You!!

I know I haven’t been a good blogger lately. We have been keeping pretty busy around here with school, physical therapy, swimming lessons, soccer, and church commitments.

Andrew is doing GREAT in school. I am still amazed at how quickly he has picked up reading. I’m hoping he will be like me and continue to love to read…only time will tell though.

Andrew loves soccer. We are half way through the season, and although I will like not having to be up and moving so early on Saturday’s, I know that Andrew will miss it. Here is a pic of him in his new soccer jersey.



Andrew continues going to physical therapy twice a week. He is getting better at his tip-toe walking, but still has some room for improvement. He has fun playing games with Jennifer, his therapist. She knows how much Andrew likes soccer and the solar system and includes those things in her exercises for him.

Andrew also started swimming lessons a couple of weeks ago. He goes once a week. Saturday afternoon we went to the pool to practice, and he is really swimming all over now by himself! He can’t wait for his lessons tonight to see how far he can swim and to show his teacher how good he is getting.

As for me, church bell choir has started up again, so I am back to practicing every Monday night. I was also blessed to be asked to be Godmother for a friend’s baby, Levi. His baptism was last Sunday. Here is a pic of the cutie!!



That is about all I have to add right now. I will try to keep my blog updated, but it is hard to do sometimes!

Andrew started soccer through the YMCA on Saturday. He is on a team called Galaxy. Andrew had fun, although it is 4 v 4 soccer and there are 6 kids on his team, so the kids have to keep subbing out. It was no fun to sit on the sidelines. Their jersey’s weren’t in yet, so hopefully I will have pictures of him in his “uniform” next week, but here are pictures from the first day:

Practicing before the game

Practicing before the game

Huddle with the coach

Huddle with the coach

Waiting to sub in

Waiting to sub in

Im ready to play Coach!

I'm ready to play Coach!

Here we go...

Here we go...

Action on the field

Action on the field

Today I was called to sub at the school for the first time of the school year. Although I would have rather stayed home, it was nice to get back and work at school again. I worked at one of my favorite schools to work at, the staff are all very friendly. I am tired though now, and my feet hurt something terrible (this school is an old building with 3 floors, so I was up and down stairs all day).

It’s here, the first day of school. As much as I look forward to seeing Andrew grow up and learn about life, it is always so hard for me to see him grow up. I’m a little sad, but also exciting for all he will do and accomplish this year.

After a summer of sleeping in and relaxing, Andrew was awake before his 7:00 alarm clock went off. He won’t admit it, but I think he is excited to be back in school too. He begrudgingly allowed me to take some pictures this morning.

Warning – Pic overload ahead!!!

Eating Breakfast

Eating Breakfast

Ready for school

Ready for school

Walking to the bus stop

Walking to the bus stop

With the neighbor kids

With the neighbor kids

Trying to get away from Mommy and her camera!! - Probably the best smile I got all day!

Trying to get away from Mommy and her camera!! - Probably the best smile I got all day!

The bus is coming!

The bus is coming!

Getting on the bus

Getting on the bus

As a sort of celebration for the end of summer vacation, we took Andrew mini-golfing on Friday afternoon. We all had a lot of fun, and Andrew even managed to get a hole-in-one!

Here is Andrew practicing before we started the course:



A Hole-In-One!!

Hole in One

Hole in One

Mini Golfing Fun

Mini Golfing Fun